
Class Summary
AttributeContentProvider This class provides the content of the TreeColumn
BundleEditor This class plugs in a new part of the ManagerEditor.
The class shows data obtained from the model.
Contains all the functions for the BundleList in the ManagerEditor UI
DescEditor This class plugs in a new part of the ManagerEditor.
The class shows data obtained from the model.
The Editorpart is connected to the model using a content provider.
ManagerEditor This class may be used as is, or subclassed to provide specific Editors.
ManagerEditorInput Links the Object in the HierachyTree to the ManagerEditor
If an object is double-clicked in the Tree, it'll be opened
in the editor part of the ManagerEditor
RequiredEditor This class plugs in a new part of the ManagerEditor.
The class shows data obtained from the model.
Contains all the functions for the RequiredTable
in the ManagerEditor UI
TreeViewerLabelProvider This class will display the sourceInstance in a TreeColumn,
complete with label and icons